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Frequently Asked Questions


Questions our customers have asked...

Q. What is skimming?
A. Skimming refers to internal plastering. The plaster is applied over existing plaster or onto new plasterboard. It is only “skimmed” on at a thickness of 3-5mm.


Q. What is Dot & Dab?
A. Dot and Dab is the term given to the process of fixing plasterboard to brick or block walls with adhesive “dabs” of plaster to create a flat, level wall. This is then ready to be skimmed with plaster to create the desired finish.


Q. What is the best coloured render on the market?
A. Our professional opinion is the finished texture of silicone render is the best option for most properties. Its strong durability against the elements, and its flexibility make it the best on the market, especially in coastal areas such as here in the south-east. 


Q. What is the difference between acrylic and silicone render?
A. When first applied, there is not much difference between the two, however acrylic render has poor UV protection compared to silicone. In time, bold colours may fade from exposure to the sun. Acrylic render is also is not as flexible as silicone so may crack over time.



If you have any other questions or require further information contact us on 07859222966 or email us at

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